1548 Main Street Peckville, PA 18452

Phone: 570-487-1983 Ext. 11  Fax: 570-483-4516

Learn how to evaluate your income for the future


Over the last decade, you’ve seen how fast the economy can rise and fall. Are you confident with the choices you’re making for your family and your future? If not, it’s time to bring in the experts.

No investment is a sure thing but when you work with professionals, you’ll feel more confident in your financial strategy. From evaluating cash flows to setting budgets, the right financial planner can make all the difference.

At Strategic Planning Associates LLC, our services include:

–  Fee-based financial planning

–  Educational funding planning

–  Retirement planning

–  Estate planning

–  Budgeting and financial analysis

Make the right choices for your portfolio

One part of effective financial planning is keeping your finances on the right track. When you combine investment management with financial planning, you can take every possible step to do what’s right for your financial situation and your family’s future.


Call today to get started on the right investment strategy for you
